
Nadine Cummins | Agates and Glass/Stained Glass

Nadine comes from an artistic family in Erie, Pennsylvania.  Her Aunt, Uncle, and Cousins are recognized artists in the North and mid west.  

Nadine started drawing as a child.  Her father would draw squiggly lines on a piece of paper and then ask her to make something out of them.  This triggered her imagination and kept her busy for hours.  (probably his intent when baby sitting J ).  Nadine uses that technique when working with alcohol ink.  She places paint on the paper or tile and then develops her painting from there.  The color and way the color moves on the tile or paper calls and directs her to the end result.  She does not start with a subject in mind; the paint flow determines the direction the painting will go.

Nadine was an art major in high school and received a scholarship to attend Columbus College of Art and Design in Columbus Ohio. It was there that she realized a career in Art would not be prudent, so she changed direction.  Her early career was in engineering and later in human resources while receiving her master’s in human resources.  She held executive positions in HR and then consulted to Southwest companies before retiring.

Not only does Nadine enjoy creating with alcohol ink, but she also spends much of her time in her glass studio creating fused and stained-glass pieces.  Now retired, she continues her education in art and has taken many classes in alcohol ink, painting, and fused glass in the north west, Las Vegas Glass Expo, and from our very own talented local Verde Valley artists.